Title Determinant analytical description
Paper ID D4j3K
Keywordsdeterminant, cofactor matrix, minors
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Title Determination of the full-energy peak efficiency in gamma-ray spectroscopy using cylindrical sources perpendicular and parallel to the detector axis
Paper ID 6XWLD
KeywordsHPGe detectors / radioactive sources / self-attenuation / coincidence summing effect.
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Title Deconvolution and diagonalization estimation
Paper ID jOCmh
KeywordsDeconvolution; matrix diagonalization; matrix inverse; matrix pseudo-inverse; functional error
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Title A global condition for the rupture risk of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) obtained within a mathematical and numerical model for blood flow in large vessels
Paper ID 7cPql
Keywordsglobal condition for rupture risk; Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm; blood flow; non-Newtonian model
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Title A Supply Chain Intelligent Decision Making
Paper ID Isfd1
KeywordsIntelligent learning process, neural networks, supply chain configuration
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Title Assessing the Learning Quality in Education at Program level
Paper ID WyK4c
KeywordsLearning quality, Qualitative assessment, Program outcomes
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Title Factors Affecting Industrial Wood Material Production Yield in Turkey�s Natural Beech Forests
Paper ID ls6gg
KeywordsKeywords: Industrial wood, Production, Oriental beech, GIS, Factor analysis, Multiple regression analyses, Discriminate analysis.
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Title An incremental meter placement strategies using discrete Evolutionary Programming
Paper ID Kc9xS
Keywordsaccuracy, discrete evolutionary programming, EP, state estimation, location, optimization.
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Title Differentiation of Human Ovarian Surface Epithelial (OSE) Stem Cells into Primary Follicles
Paper ID AXQQ0
KeywordsOvarian surface epithelium, primary follicles, Human, GDF9, BMP15
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Title Under-Voltage Load Shedding Based on Voltage Stability Index for Islanded Distribution System
Paper ID XyJ34
KeywordsUnder Voltage Load Shedding; Voltage Stability; Stability Index
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