Abstract\nIn this paper, references are made to the origin of myth and its application by the ancient societies and that myth is not a story but a fact that which has been happened in the past or could be a narration to answer the events appeared to human, by the help of which human is able to understand the events beyond him.Through familiarity with myth, human was able to understand the concept of dignity in human communities and in this way the human life is made full of ethical values which take him to the stage of cultural evolution. Such a behavioral mutation in human is made possible by the help of myths which is the border line between religion and ethics in human communities. When dignity enters human life the processes of ethics starts. One of the myths which are connected with ethics and dignity in Iran is that of Siavush myth. Siavush a noble and innocent Iranian prince which is killed innocently and his life story have inspired the way of living by Iranian.\nSiavush, in whose life the role of fate and destiny is clearly identified, faces a closed end route in his life and is killed submissively. From Iranian people viewpoint, respecting such a fate and destiny and living innocently worth appreciation and to be valued. Iranian re-performs his story each year and mourns for him. Such a dramatic play has been performed through Iran for a long period of time. But when Islam brought to Iran, Siavush character as a mythical character and one for whom ceremonies and rituals are made, lose its weight and importance, for in the newly formed Iranian culture which has been transformed and evolved on the basis of history, religion and religious characters, those appearing with characteristics and particulars of mythical heroes but based on a true history and background which is not a myth but for their heroic behaviors and action they find similar characteristics with the myths including Imam Hussain and his companion. Fundamental similarity between the two personalities such as purity, being killed innocently and submissiveness has replaced the myth of Imam Hussain with that of Siavush. As the result, Iranian culture has been in this way the culture of mythology to make an exemplary.